Personalized Assistance for Busy Lives

Ten32 Concierge provides personalized assistance for busy professionals and families, with an emphasis on supporting caregivers and neurodivergent adults.

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For When You Need a Backup

TEN32 Blog

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So what can a concierge do? These things and more!


Wedding Assistant

Just when we thought we had everything sorted for a family wedding, one of the coordinators bailed on us two days before the big day. We were freaking out! But then Judy came through…
Cindy R.

Help During Recovery

 While I was recovering, I needed very specific foods. Some were specialty items, so your standard home delivery service wouldn’t do. I was really grateful to have Judy’s help. 
Beth E.

Bereavement Support

When my mother passed away, there were a lot of her personal belongings that I had to sort through. I was not in the right mental or emotional state to deal with it on my own. Judy pretty much took care of everything.
Charles G.

TEN32 – as Featured in Bold Journey Magazine!

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